It is so easy to fall into the saboteur’s pit. Here is a link to children’s author Anastasia Suen’s blog. She has posted links to seven individual articles written by Jane Friedman from There Are No Rules blog.
Titles for the seven sabotage articles are listed below. They can also be translated into “What Not To Do if you want to become a successful writer.”
#1 Attempting to Get Published Too Soon
#2 Looking Out For Yourself Too Much
#3 Expect Your Publisher to Market Your Work
#4 Treating Online and Multimedia Activities as Optional
#5 Be High Maintenance
#6 Assuming A Work Deeply Felt by You will Be Deeply Felt by All
#7 Become Bitter
Do these titles pique your interest? Jane Friedman’s thoughtful analysis of how these self-sabotage traps can throw you off the road to success is worth reading. Each article is an eye opener for the new and seasoned writer. At the end of the day it is not about You, it is about your reader.
I couldn’t decide which quote to use so I used both.
"A great secret of success is to go through life as a man who never gets used up" (Albert Schweitzer). And also from Schweitzer: "Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success."
Write it down,