Saturday, February 21, 2009

Learn How to Write Children's Books and Sell Them.

All of us have special stories inside of us that are just begging to be told. Children love stories. They live in a world controlled by adults and don’t have a whole lot of say so. The best we as adults can do for all children is to give them quality stories, truth or fiction. This is the best reason to join the Children’s Writer’s Coaching Club.

OR - do you want to learn ways to make more of the writing and illustrating career you already have?

Then join the Children’s Writers’ Coaching Club and receive two free ebooks to help get you started on your writing career. Click the links below.

Children's Writer's Checklist
Dealing With Writer's Stress

You’ll work with both published children’s writers and illustrators, and those who want to become children’s writers or illustrators, to create the children’s writing or illustrating career of your dreams.

And the best part is, you won’t ever have to leave your home - so you can enjoy your coaching club sessions in your pjs or bathrobe, if you like. What could be better than that?

Membership - only $27.00 per month

Just look at all you get for only $27.00 per month when you become a member of this fantastic club:

* LIVE teleclasses EVERY month. Each teleclass is taught by a successful children’s book author and/or illustrator who knows the “tricks of the trade” of children’s writing, illustrating, and publishing.
* A monthly writing assignment, designed to become a finished project ready for submission to a publisher, usually be the end of the month, although some projects take longer. Each month we focus on some area of publishing. For example, one month we study how to write short fiction for children’s magazines. Another month we focus on writing nonfiction for children’s magazines. Another month we target writing picture books, etc.
* The opportunity to have your monthly assignment professionally critiqued, so you know if further revisions are needed before it is ready for submission to a publisher.
* The opportunity to network daily via an online discussion list with other members of the CWCC, as well as the instructors.

Click the Logo below.

">Join the Children’s Writers’ Coaching Club today and you’ll be on your way to creating your own part time or full time career as a published children’s book author and/or illustrator.

You can’t go wrong.

Write it down,

1 comment:

  1. I have learned so much from being in the club and from Suzanne. Thanks for bringing the information to other writers, we need more input in our group.
    Miss you too, hope things are the best.

