Thursday, July 29, 2010

Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego?

Remember that 1980’s old TV program Where in the world is Carmen Sandiego? My kids were hooked but I thought it was a dumb title. This was long before SEO, keywords and web content. TV writers had it right. They understood who their target audience was. Come up with a unique title people will remember and they will keep coming back. Marketing professionals have been using SEO practices long before the web site entangled our lives.

Mystery surrounds SEO. We are told we MUST use it or we will be shunned from the web forever! How do you get it? Buy the latest EBook and you will be living high on easy street in a month. Don’t ask questions, just click here and pay.

Do not buy information mindlessly. Use your writer skills and research your subject. Although you may buy a few EBooks here and there, buying the latest one because it is the latest one is not the secret.

Good Content is the secret!

This is what blogging and websites are all about. Content! Good Content! Every writer’s purpose is to produce……Good content. Non-fiction, fiction, romance, science, fantasy, mystery all must have good content. You know….the good stuff. Words that will bring you back again and again.

When you enter keywords into a search engine you expect to get relevant information back and not 10 pages of advertising links. Do not fall for offers promoting use of unusual domain names and tricks like keyword hi-jacking. Keep writing on a daily basis and your words will speak for themselves.


There are all kinds of F.R.E.E sights like and of course the most recognizable keyword search engine 

Guess what? Do what comes naturally. Write in your natural voice. Use words customers use for your product or service. Think of words YOU use when searching for info. There is nothing fancy about that. I am not saying ignore SEO processes because the right words are the key to your business. Use the internet for what it was intended. The Free Informational Highway.

She Believed She Could, So She Did,
Visit my website Carma's Word

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