Monday, March 5, 2007

How Positive is Positive Thinking?

A friend of mine shared the movie The Secret with me and lately it has been a hot topic on a couple of blogs. Jennifer Louden had quite a discussion about it and brought up some interesting points. Does positive thinking allow any room for self doubt? Of course it does.

We, as a people, cannot be void of self doubt or indecision, but that does not mean we cannot think positively and be better off for it. To me movies like The Secret and books by people like Napoleon Hill can boost our morale and help us with low self-esteem.

In The Secret, a woman cured herself of cancer and a man became wealthy all because their mind thought it. However, I don't think it is that simple nor am I against the power of positive thinking because "thoughts can become things". It is just that movies like The Secret can cause false hope in some people who may not realize that along with the positive thinking comes hard work.

You guys, Nothing, I repeat, nothing takes the place of hard work. Now timing is another matter. It may take some writers a few years and many, many attempts to write and sell their work and then one person will come along and BAM, sell everything they put out fresh out of the gate. You all have heard the saying (loosely paraphrased) "Man, she can fall in S and come out smelling like a Rose"

I think all of us have used positive thinking and have practiced a little bit of "The Law of Attraction" principles and they may have worked because positive thoughts attract positive actions just as negative thoughts attract adverse reactions. So my advice is DO NOT give positive thinking up. I haven't been around the blog world too long but I can already see how positive this blogging world is. What a special group.

Write it down,

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